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check out our most recent duology and duology+ projects
Available on Bandcamp
Standards Reimagined
duology's first release is a self-produced ep with special guest David Torn on guitars
available for purchase on Bandcamp at
Our original idea for this CD was to record in the U.S. in 2020. As with so many other things, COVID-19 put an end to that plan, so we decided to do the recording on our own in Japan, then have it mixed and mastered in the gained experience, got three tracks together and sent them off for mixing with Bob Stark. One of Bob's first suggestions was to add guitarist David Torn to the Left Alone track. What started out for us as a small, personal project, turned into something much more significant and extremely gratifying on many levels. In May of 2021, the music was released on CD in Japan, and digitally distributed worldwide on Bandcamp.
Jazz is an ever-evolving art form. We started Duology to pursue new, original means of musical expression within the vocal/bass duo format. We hope that many find our music inspiring and look forward to creating more in the near future.
制作過程で、ミキシングエンジニアBob Stark氏 (有名アーティストの作品を多数手懸ける)の提案により、ジャズギタリスト&音楽プロデューサーとして世界的に活躍するDavid Torn氏の参加が決まり、収録曲(全3曲)の内1曲を、二人のサウンドに新たなエッセンスが加わった意"duology+"とし、2021年5月に、日本でCD発売、Bandcampにて配信中。
Sample Audio
Silent Night
Also Available for Purchase on Bandcamp
duology's version of a Christmas classic
duology's version of this Christmas classic was recorded and self-produced in December of 2021. All sounds were created with vocals and fretless bass.
On YouTube
We put together a video for this track that we hope you will enjoy, but please realize, that streaming is a great deal for everyone but the artist creating the content. We would greatly appreciate it if you could contribute with a purchase via Bandcamp, tell all of your friends, and then, stream like crazy.